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Tessie watcher's eve - by Cannotthink

Tessie watcher's eve

Watching vigilant for the legendary beast at the year's end.

Other Submissions by Cannotthink

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Cannotthink Zap Eel
It's a shocking enemy with lot's of power, electifying presence and lightening speed. I will stop making
5/2/08 10.00
Cannotthink Snowy Circle
The everlasting pond of power froze over, the droplets from the sky turned to crystal.
What beauty!
Could the fungi have not seize this chance to break the monotony of a single cave room?
What joy!
The hours flew by, so did Shrooom!...and some accumulated respect towards him.
What shame.
1/12/08 10.00
Cannotthink Dept. Store Battle
The manager is not doing anything wrong, he's just carrying out store policy.
8/1/08 10.00
Cannotthink Dread Skelpion
Never underestemate the power of pink scorpions.
5/16/08 9.41
Cannotthink Hawk eye
Rip through the hawk black swamp
1/28/09 9.00


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